Transportation Master Plan.

Town of Silverthorne

Project Description:

Using GIS datasets obtained from the Town of Silverthorne and Summit County, CPS created a land use buildout analysis map to be used in the development of transportation policies and strategies within the town’s Transportation Master Plan. CPS applied the town’s zoning allowances to each zone district to estimate the allowable residential dwelling units and commercial square footages. This parcel level analysis was then combined into Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ) which would then be plugged into traffic modeling software to provide the network’s needed carrying capacity. Upon the initial buildout, CPS met with town staff to add a realistic lens to the results. Following multiple iterations of the buildout the number of dwelling units and amount of commercial square footages was agreed upon and will be a valuable tool for the town to use into the future to evaluate the impact of developments when they are submitted to the town for evaluation and review.

  • Town of Silverthorne

  • On Call Services
    Transportation Master Plan


Town of Silverthorne- On Call Services


Teton County- On Call Services